June 3, 2010

Central Parkin It!

What a day for these dogs!! A trip to central park! We entered the park right by the ZOO. The dogs got greeted by every kid that was there on a class trip. You can only imagine the benches lined up, packed with little kids eating lunch, screaming out which dog was their favorite. Then we realized how rediculous is it that the dogs cant go to the ZOO, a place that is for ANIMALS! Weird! Anyway, we made our way through the ZOO entrance area, and headed to the pond to give the pups water (these pics are at the bottom). Then we made it to a shady rock for a photo session that is beyond (i couldnt stop posting)! While we were taking these pictures, we noticed this awesome dog statue and we were determined to take pics with it. I would write everyone's name down, but i would be diappointed if you didn't know who they were already! I know you must be thinking...who is the cassie look a like? That is Roxy!!!

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